Monday, February 25, 2013

Avocados for Sale..

Not too much activity on the Fleury Farm this week. Although we had some sun this weekend, I didn't make it outside to work in the yard - still a bit chilly. Actually, I'm resting my back from the last two weekends and saving up strength for this coming weekend, with predicted 60 degree temps and sunshine!

So while I remained inside, I made guacamole and much to my surprise, my 2yr old twins were devouring this stuff! Even with red onion, cilantro and black pepper in the mix - they LOVED it. Right then & there, I decided on a great (quick) indoor project. I've attempted growing Avo's from seed many times before, but my patience got the best of me, let's just say it never worked out. You may have tried this yourself or have friends/family with the ever-so-distinguished avocado seed sitting in water - propped up with toothpicks, sitting in a sunny windowsill.

While I know avocados don't grow naturally in Southern is possible with the right amount of TLC and a greenhouse. So, what the hay. This will be a nice experiment - to show the girls that seeds can grow if given their 4 basic needs: Water, Sunlight, Warmth and Oxygen.

I started with clean avocado seeds/pits. (I soaked mine in this bowl overnight - not necessary). Recycled baby food jars. Toothpicks from my Husbands 49er shot glass - very necessary.

Insert 2 or 3 toothpicks into the top of the seed, the bottom of the seed should be submerged in water.

Make sure you have a helper - this is tedious work!

Place your seeds in a sunny windowsill and watch them grow. (Refresh water regularly).

If you'd like to buy some of our Fleury Farm Avocados - they should be ready in about 5-10years (Avocado Trees take a long time to mature). Please check back then!