Thursday, June 23, 2016

Master Gardener in Training

The Farm is thriving, and our family too! It's nice to take a break from Homeschooling and adopt a more flexible summer schedule... 

 Always eager to help with the garden..

Tomatoes doing well.

OSU Master Gardener in Training.

Summer On The Farm (June)

This week marks the official beginning of summer, although it's been feeling like summer for over a month. Here are a few highlights of June On The Farm:

 Radishes - the kids helped me pick them.

Radishes - tops removed & initial washing. I pickled the radishes too, Yum!

A Ladybug larvae. 
We had tons of ladybugs this year, thanks to the neighbors tree being full of aphids! 

My sister prompted me to take a picture of my grapevine. It spans a bulk of the fence line on the north side of the backyard and wraps around the chicken coop.

 Daisies, in the front yard. They  look great this year, so I'm looking to plant some more. This variety (not sure what that is) only gets about 1 foot tall.

Russian Sage.

Russian Sage.

