Sunday, June 4, 2017

Here's the Plan...

Well folks, we've got ourselves a plan to move our Urban Farmstead to the Country! 

It was the summer of 2016, we were all gathered around the campfire at Lost Creek Lake. My Father-in-Law, Steve and his wife, Carol, the Hubby and Myself announced to our Three Little Berries the good news!...

Steve & Carol are going to move to Oregon and help us start our farm in the country! 

It won't be easy, we face many obstacles; for example, the marijuana industry has driven the prices of good fertile farmland to extreme highs. They're not the only industry to contribute to this rise in prices, the wineries have done just as much or more. No worries though, we intend to prevail and get our slice of heaven right here on earth!

If you'd like to follow our journey, here's what it will look like (all points subject to change, because let's face it even the best laid plans need to be flexible)...

Step 1: The In-laws sell their home. This first part is taking longer than we hoped.  

Step 2: Move the in-laws to Oregon. They'll stay in an RV park while we hunt for land.

Step 3: Find a Realtor. Preferably one that specializes in rural properties. I think we found one: Expert Properties - ever hear of them? 

Step 4: Find acreage. The property has to have at least 2 acres of water rights or our farm won't grow, literally. 

More steps and details to fill in I'm sure. Until then, here's a picture of one of our hens. She will definitely enjoy the country life!